Friday, August 25, 2017

I heard it! Did you?

Right before school started, I read the book Empower: What Happens When Students Own their Learning by A.J. Juliani and John Spencer. After having just recently read George Courus' Innovator's Mindset, this book was the perfect complement.

With all the ideas from both of those excellent books swirling around in my head, I went to work on planning the year. At first, I was feeling so overwhelmed. There were so many things I wanted to change about the way I teach in the library. What should I focus on first?

I was floundering until I remembered a reflection question presented in EmpowerWhat decisions am I making for students that they could make for themselves? This became my anchor. Suddenly it became clear where I needed to start. And I'm very excited to try some of the new ideas I have come up with.

First up: I'm totally changing what my fourth graders will be doing this year in the library. At the end of last year, I took a survey with these kids. I asked them "What would you like to do in library next year?" They then brainstormed a list of ideas. Now, that list has become a list of project options. Students will choose a project (or suggest another idea not on the list), set a goal and get to work! I will be the "Guide on the Ride" as Juliani and Spencer call it.

When I was describing this to students during our first 4th grade library time of the year, I heard it. I heard the prolonged "S" at the end of "yes" that indicates enthusiasm, excitement and approval. I don't know who's more excited, my students or myself. I think it's going to be a great year!

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Readers ARE becoming leaders ... before our very eyes!

I n my last post , I described the project that my Reading Specialist and myself have been working on this year. We have been so excited abo...