Monday, August 21, 2017

How can Research Projects be Innovative?

When our district librarians started looking at the Iowa Core Standards, it became clear that there was something missing. The core at every grade level mentions research, such as "Conduct short research projects that build knowledge ..." but it never discusses what good research looks like. 

As a group, we decided to create a model to communicate to teachers what good research includes. We called it "Good Researchers will ..."

  1. Ask a question
  2. Find reliable information
  3. Take notes using their own words
  4. Cite all sources
  5. Communicate new understandings
This was the elementary version. Our Jr. High and High School Librarians have a different version of this.

So, as I was reading through the Innovator's Mindset, I really liked this visual about the things that should be happening in the classroom

And I started thinking about the research process and how I could show teachers that when we do research, we are hitting a lot of these areas. The picture below is what I'll be sharing with teachers this fall:

I would say that choice is probably the most crucial component to making research innovative. Choice in the questions they are asking, choice in the resources they are using and choice in how they communicate their findings. So, let the research begin!

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