Friday, February 16, 2018

Digital Leadership Teams - Update

Our 5th grade digital leadership teams met to reflect on the first half of the year and then to begin to plan an upcoming project.

First, they took 5 minutes to discuss whether or not they had achieved their first goal (which was to ensure that classroom technology is properly handled and stored.) Both groups felt like they had done a fine job of remembering their schedule and being responsible with this. After a quick tweak to their schedules, we moved onto new business.

They were to discuss a possible project to work on for the next few months. The purpose of this project was twofold:
  1. To Promote Digital Literacy and/or citizenship
  2. Make a positive impact on the school community
Within about thirty minutes, we had four projects in the planning stages:
  1. Group A wants to meet with a group of fourth graders to begin a Digital Leadership Jr. training course
  2. Group B wants to teach the appropriate use of FlipGrid to other grade levels
  3. Group C wants to write a letter about Good Digital Citizenship to share
  4. Group D wants to teach primary students (k - 1) about taking care of technology
Almost immediately, Group B was called upon to set their goal in motion. I had just met with the 4th grade teachers in order to plan our initial FlipGrid topic (more on that in a different post!)

Once the fourth graders wrote their initial script for their FlipGrid and had it approved by myself or the classroom teacher, our Group B Digital Leaders sprung into action. They took groups of 2 or 3 kids and showed them how to make a FlipGrid video, including some of the technical aspects of success, like volume and background issues. They did a great job and really  helped us get through all our students in a short period of time.

Then, to take it a step farther, the 5th grade Digital Leaders volunteered to give the 4th graders feedback on their FlipGrid. Giving up their lunch recess, the girls worked to give quality feedback to the students to help them improve future posts. Well done!

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